
From 1 April 2019, suppliers to the Swedish Coast Guard will be required to send electronic invoices. Note that PDF is not an accepted format.
In June 2018, the Riksdag decided to adopt the Act on Electronic Invoicing as a Result of Public Procurement (SFS 2018:1277). The act entails that all purchases made pursuant to the procurement laws LOU, LUF, LUFS or LUK are to be invoiced using e-invoicing. Purchases made by us, the Swedish Coast Guard, shall therefore be invoiced using e-invoicing. Remember to enter our reference in the invoice.
There are several ways in which to submit e-invoices:
Our preferred method for receiving electronic invoices is via the PEPPOL network. The Swedish Coast Guard’s electronic address in PEPPOL is 0007:2021003997. We accept Svefaktura 1.0 or PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.
Via the Swedish Coast Guard’s invoice portal
If you are unable to send electronic invoices, you can use our invoice portal free of charge to register them manually. This solution is intended for smaller suppliers who only issue a few invoices. Log in and register at:
Via other communication solutions
The Swedish Coast Guard uses the system supplier Opus Capita to receive e-invoices. Your provider of e-invoice services may have further options in addition to PEPPOL for sending e invoices to Opus Capita. We accept Svefaktura 1.0 or PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.
The Swedish Coast Guard’s details:
- ID with Opus Capita: 2021003997
- Corporate identity number: 202100-3997
- Contact:
Order reference on the invoice
Invoices issued to the Swedish Coast Guard must always be marked with the reference consisting of a three-figure numerical code, and, where applicable, also purchase order number.
We would like one invoice per order, except for deliveries by instalment or final part deliveries, when there may be several invoices for the same order.
Contact if you have any queries, e.g. concerning order references.